Game development for iOS
Game development generally follows the same pattern and includes an already well-known list of work, such as:
Concept creation
Market research
Launch into the store
The main difference, in this case, will be the operating system for which the future game is configured. In our case, we are talking about iOS. Game development on iOS itself is not incredibly difficult (if you are a developer, of course).

The most difficult thing, in this case, will be to get into the Apple market or, in other words, to publish the game in the App Store. In professional IT studios like ours, game development for iOS is necessarily accompanied by the launch of the game in the store. In addition, we recommend ordering promotion as a package, and you will find out why below.

Successfully creating games for iOS: what you need to know?

There is one feature that characterizes absolutely everything related to Apple, namely their strict and clear policy regarding the personalization of their products. Apple products meet the standards set by the company and “return favors” only to each other.
What does this mean? Technically, all Apple products are perfectly synchronized with each other, all software is adjusted to the company’s devices, and so on. The same goes for games. Game development for iOS must also comply with these standards and rules in order to get into the coveted App Store.
Why is the App Store so attractive and why not just abandon it in favor of another store? The answer is simple - once you enter the App Store, you open the door to an audience of millions. Today, according to media reports, more than a billion people already use iPhone mobile devices. In other words, creating or ordering a game on iOS can be a very profitable venture.

Games have always been popular, but now they are especially “flying”. Therefore, this is one of the best areas to invest in. With high-quality development, careful analysis of the ranking of games in online stores and good promotion, these funds will pay off more than once.

So, to create a successful game designed for iOS, it is advisable to use the features of Apple devices. This way you can integrate the game into your smartphone as efficiently as possible. Users choose the iPhone for a reason, namely for its convenience, interface, design, and if the game matches as closely as possible, this will be a big advantage.

Placing games and applications in the App Store

The App Store is famous for its numerous rules for hosting games and applications, which explains the security of the platform and, therefore, trust in it. There are many factors that influence the publication of a game in the store. We will focus on three:
An original idea or at least execution will always have an advantage over copies. Your content or design must be unique or you must have a license for it. The same applies to functionality, it should also be different. Otherwise, both the application and the developer's account may be removed from the App Store. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of each element, as well as to have a good understanding of the company’s policy and its attitude towards this or that aspect.
As Chekhov said, “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts.” In our case, for a game to be included in the App Store, everything in it must also be beautiful, both externally and internally. The App Store does not allow apps with coding errors, and precisely because they are inevitable, developers must be able to recognize and fix them in a timely manner. This also includes testing - a very important stage, since based on its results you can understand whether the game is worth posting or whether it still needs to be improved.
In addition to being unique, it must also comply with the App Store rules. Because Apple values ​​its reputation, it will not allow game design that is inconvenient, annoying, or not adapted for iOS. That is why the creation of games on iOS should be entrusted to professionals. The ZTP WebSet team has not just a designer, but a UI/UX designer, which means that the game will not just be beautiful, but “comfortably beautiful.”

Why might a game or application be rejected by the App Store?

Before starting development, our specialists carefully study the App Store requirements in order to avoid mistakes as much as possible. This is especially important because reasons for rejection are updated and published quite frequently. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular:

  • Unfinished game;
  • There is no complete information about the game;
  • The game screenshot does not match the description;
  • There is no warning about the presence of advertising;
  • Incorrect display of advertising in the game;
  • The application is determined to be useless and does not provide value.

What should the interface of a game or application for iOS be like?

  • Formatting:
    The game must fit the device screen size. The picture should fit entirely, without the need to expand or scroll.
  • Controls:
    The game should match the user interface, it should be as simple and natural to use as possible.
  • “Hit the target”
    The controls should have certain parameters, that is, they should be convenient to click on.
  • Text:
    The correct size must be used to ensure that it is easily readable at a standard distance.
  • Contrast:
    The background and font colors should contrast well to make the text legible.
  • Organization:
    Proper layout is necessary, controls should be placed close to the content being changed.
  • Spacing:
    No overlap of text or other elements is allowed.
  • Image quality:
    Blurry images are not acceptable and require high resolution.
  • Image format:
    The aspect ratio must be correct to avoid distortion.
  • Alignment:
    All elements must be correctly aligned for the integrity of the image.

What iOS games can you create?

ZTP WebSet develops any genre of games for iOS.
What does the service include?

  • Concept creation;
  • Market research;
  • Development;
  • Testing;
  • Launch into the store;
  • Promotion.
At ZTP WebSet, prices for creating games for iOS start from 2450 €
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